
Fleas are a very persistent parasite – they love our warm, humid climate. Your pet can pick up fleas through contact with other animals or from the environment. Left untreated, one adult female flea can multiply into 10,000 in just 30 days. Fleas can make your pets life miserable. To learn more about their life cycle, and how to eradicate them, read on…

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Heartworm is a serious and potentially deadly disease that can affect your dog, beginning with a single mosquito bite. Adult heartworms interfere with the healthy function of your pet’s heart, and can damage important organs. There are a number of visible symptoms to watch out for, and it’s important to act quickly. We’ve compiled key information for you to know what signs to look for in your dog that could indicate presence of the disease, and means of prevention and treatment.

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Ear Problems

Did you know certain breeds of dogs are more susceptible to ear problems? When your pet is suffering from an ear problem, you may see them shaking their head more frequently, or rubbing their ears along furniture and carpet. These are signs they are in distress and attempting to relieve itching. If your dog has an ear infection, they will be in considerable discomfort, so noticing signs and seeking treatment quickly is necessary to prevent further, serious issues. Learn more about the types of infections and treatment, as well as tips for cleaning your pet’s ears to best prevent problems developing.

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Ticks and Your Pet

Ticks can be found all year round although during ‘tick season’ (between the months of June and March) our South East Queensland weather provide them with the perfect environment to flourish, therefore pet owners need to be vigilant. In this area, nearly all ticks found on dogs are paralysis ticks. While they’re only tiny, they are actually one of the most dangerous parasites affecting domestic pets. Symptoms can be varied, depending on where the tick is attached, and death in untreated animals can follow in as little as 24 hours after symptoms commence. Most commonly weakness starts in the hindlegs, then progresses to total paralysis of all four legs.

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Canine Vaccinations

Fortunately, in Australia we see fewer highly infectious diseases in dogs than are common in other countries around the world. However, outbreaks of canine infectious disease do occur from time to time around the country, and Canine Cough is very common. In our area, adult dogs require vaccination against Parvovirus, Distemper, Adenovirus (Hepatitis) and the two most common forms of Canine Cough, Parainfluenza & Bordatella bronchiseptica.
If you are travelling with your pet there are additional vaccinations that may be required (Leptospirosis & Coronavirus). Learn more about these diseases and how to keep your pet healthy and safe.

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Desexing Your Pet

Desexing is important for future health, improved behaviour and for population control (reducing unwanted pets in refuges). Surgical Desexing is best done between the ages of four and six months of age. At this age, the organs are relatively smaller than later in life. Therefore, it is safer; they are anaesthetised for less time and there is less risk of complications occurring with the surgery. Additionally, the long-term health benefits achieved are greatest when desexing is performed before sexual maturity. There are many myths surrounding desexing – read on to discover the facts and to dispel the fallacies.

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Feline Vaccinations

Cats typically contract diseases through contact with other cats, although this is not always required. Some virus’ can exist in the environment for extended periods and be carried into the home on your shoes or clothing. Pre-existing disease or stress can cause a lowered immune response and increase the risk of illness in your pet. In Australia, all adult cats require vaccination against Feline Enteritis, Feline Calicivirus & Rhinotracheitis. Due to the increasing prevalence of Feline Immunodefiency Virus (FIV) in Queensland, we recommend all cats also receive vaccination against this.

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